Thursday, April 28, 2011

In My Weakness, What Then?

"For he said unto me, My Grace is sufficient for Thee, for My strength is made perfect in your weakness.'--The Apostle Paul

If ever there were a man who was a walking embodiment of personal and physical weakness, it was the Apostle Paul.  Paul suffered from a physical malady that he referred to as a 'thorn in the flesh.'  That malady never went away despite Paul's many fervent prayers for healing.  In time God spoke to him and said the words quoted above.  We serve One who is greater than our weaknesses.  His strength is made perfect in our weakness.  When we are weak, HE is strong.

Sometimes we get very discouraged when we don't get the answers to prayer for which we had hoped.  We may not get healed as some do.  It is at that point that either we can fall into despair, or we can remember God's words to Paul.  These are words of ultimate hope.  We serve a God who is able, and who can do great things through us no matter what our maladies or weaknesses.  All it takes is a willing servant who believes in the almighty power of God.

Prayer:  'O God, during those dark days when hope is hard to come by, and when we are overwhelmed by our physical limitations, remind us that You are able to to do all things.  And even if healing does not come, You are able to use us and show your power through us.  We are weak, but we know that You are strong.  Thank-you for Your strength that is made perfect in our weakness.  In Jesus' name, Amen.'

Song--a great group and a great song, sung acapella: The Isaacs sing 'I Have a Father Who Can.'   This is a group of real pros.  May this great song bless you.  

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