Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Call on His Name

"For he who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved..." -- the Apostle Paul

This scripture verse is, of course, speaking about personal salvation from sin and spiritual darkness.  Anyone, anywhere who calls on the name of Jesus shall be saved.  This is a great fact of the Christian faith.

But the meaning of the verse can be expanded.  Beyond one's personal salvation, calling on the name of the Lord is a great comfort to Christians.  Who do you run to when everything seems to be falling apart and friends are few?  Christians know they can call on the name of the Lord, and He comes to our side to walk beside us, to give us strength, to renew our hopes, and to restore our wounded faith.

Prayer: "O Lord, thank you for allowing us the comfort of calling on your holy name whenever we need to.  Thank you for walking with us through the dark days of life.  And thank you for helping us find solutions to problems as you work in and through us, and through others.  That's why we love to call on your precious Name.  In Jesus' name, Amen."

Song--These guys are a ball of fire and energy--the Dove Brothers Quartet, one of the best young Gospel quartets traveling full-time today.  This video focuses on several of their songs, but especially pay attention to the first one in the segment--'That's Why I Love to Call His Name.'  This song gets up and takes off, but if you listen to the words, you will receive a blessing.  Enjoy the Dove Brothers... 

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