Saturday, April 30, 2011

Scripture and Prayer for 4/30/2011

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." --Psalm 46:1

Prayer: "O God, many of us are aware of the great suffering that is now taking place in large portions of the south, southwest, and midwest due to the tornado outbreaks this week.  Some of us know personally some of those effected.  We pray for the survivors, many of whom are wounded and suffering from great loss.  Some lost everything they had, including precious friends and family members.  Our hearts go out to them this night, and we know you have not forgotten them.  So in this darkness of nights for so many, remind those who hurt that you are our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Comfort those who grieve, touch those who are injured, and may your ever-present love sustain them all, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

Music in the Spotlight

Today I want to place the spotlight on music.  From time to time I will profile a Christian artist and provide an example of their music.

I first met George Younce as a little boy back when he sang with a professional quartet that traveled out of our hometown.  I remember thinking at the time that he was the best bass vocalist I ever heard.

By 1964 or so, George left that group and moved to Akron, Ohio where he teamed up with an up-and-coming quartet called 'The Cathedrals.'  Glen Payne was the lead singer and manager of the group.  Since I had always kept up with George, it was through him that I got to know Glen Payne, who in my opinion, was the best lead vocalist in Gospel Music history.

These guys became my heroes, men I looked up to as a boy.  George and Glen both had served in the military, were solid Patriots, and Christian gentlemen.

In time, around 1979 or so, The Cathedrals became the most popular group in Gospel Music.  Winning numerous Dove Awards and Fan Awards, no other group in the modern era was able to capture the attention and love of a broad cross-section of the Christian community.

The group was known for its songs that rose to the top of Christian music charts.  Every single release made it at least to the top 10, most to the top 5.  Their sales grew to the point that by the mid-1990s their recordings were always at the top in music stores, and they became the envy of other Gospel groups for the prosperity they enjoyed while most others struggled to stay on the road.

By the time the group retired in 1999, their popularity was at an all-time high.  Very shortly after their retirement Glen Payne died of cancer.  A few years later George Younce died of kidney failure.  I will always cherish the memories of these great men and enjoy the wonderful music they left behind.

This video segment was recorded in the 1960s, and it propelled the Cathedrals onto the national stage.  This was their very first 'radio hit.'  The song is special to me because when I started my own group as a 14-year old, we recorded this song on our first album because we liked what we heard when the Cathedrals sang it.

This is a great song that will have your feet tapping. And as you will see, it had Glen clapping his hands.  The song features the bass voice of George Younce, and it is entitled, "I'll Have a New Life."


Friday, April 29, 2011

Sheltered in the Ark of Safety

"And the Lord said to Noah, 'Come thou and all thine house into the ark, for thee have I seen righteousness before me in this generation.'"--Genesis 7:1

Led by the Lord Himself, Noah built an ark--a ship--as a means of shelter and safety from a coming calamity.  That calamity would be a great flood during which scores of people would be killed.

Despite warnings from Noah concerning the coming devastation, most people laughed it off.  Only Noah's family took seriously the warning.

The Ark has been used as a symbol, a metaphor, for thousands of years, to denote the shelter and safety human beings can find in the salvation of the Lord.  Jesus Himself has often been referred to as the 'Ark of Safety.'  Others have referred to Him as 'the lifeboat.'

This things are true.  From a spiritual standpoint, the Lord is our shelter and shield, our safety not only in the present world but in the world to come.  "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"

Back in the mid-1970s the Kingsmen Quartet recorded one of their most popular songs ever.  It was done acapella.  It was moving and many hearts and lives were touched and changed by its message.  The title of the song is 'The Old Ship of Zion,' and it speaks precisely about the theme I have discussed above.

A local, semi-professional group known as the River Bank Quartet re-recorded the song live in concert.  They do an outstanding job.  Here is the video of River Bank singing, 'The Old Ship of Zion.'  Listen closely to the words, and let them bless you...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

In My Weakness, What Then?

"For he said unto me, My Grace is sufficient for Thee, for My strength is made perfect in your weakness.'--The Apostle Paul

If ever there were a man who was a walking embodiment of personal and physical weakness, it was the Apostle Paul.  Paul suffered from a physical malady that he referred to as a 'thorn in the flesh.'  That malady never went away despite Paul's many fervent prayers for healing.  In time God spoke to him and said the words quoted above.  We serve One who is greater than our weaknesses.  His strength is made perfect in our weakness.  When we are weak, HE is strong.

Sometimes we get very discouraged when we don't get the answers to prayer for which we had hoped.  We may not get healed as some do.  It is at that point that either we can fall into despair, or we can remember God's words to Paul.  These are words of ultimate hope.  We serve a God who is able, and who can do great things through us no matter what our maladies or weaknesses.  All it takes is a willing servant who believes in the almighty power of God.

Prayer:  'O God, during those dark days when hope is hard to come by, and when we are overwhelmed by our physical limitations, remind us that You are able to to do all things.  And even if healing does not come, You are able to use us and show your power through us.  We are weak, but we know that You are strong.  Thank-you for Your strength that is made perfect in our weakness.  In Jesus' name, Amen.'

Song--a great group and a great song, sung acapella: The Isaacs sing 'I Have a Father Who Can.'   This is a group of real pros.  May this great song bless you.  

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sometimes a Dream Can Have a Life-Changing Effect

We are going along in life doing the daily routine when suddenly, out of nowhere, we are caught off-guard by a profound dream, or brief vision or new insight.  Life forever changes.

I realize such an occurrence does not happen to everyone. But perhaps some people need such an unusual, profound event to make their lives better, to change their perspective on things.

My good buddy Glen Allred of the famed Florida Boys had such an occurrence and wrote about it in a song.  Glen did not write many songs.  His claim to fame was his voice--a quartet baritone that is considered by most insiders as among the top 2 or 3 best baritones in history, if not THE absolute best.  But when Glen wrote a song, it was memorable.

Such is the case with this song entitled, 'I Saw the Face of Jesus.'  Glen wrote this song in the late 60s when a tenor by the name of Tommy Atwood joined the group.  Atwood had been a long time country music fiddle player and felt the call to go into Gospel music.  Glen arranged the song so that Tommy would have the lead.

During the Atwood years the group switch to a country gospel sound as each member played instruments as well as sang.

Also included in this video is famed bass singer Billy Todd, who spent many years with the quartet until he left the road in 1972.  The other 3, Les Beasley, Glen Allred (who stands 2nd from the right), and pianist Derrell Stewart were together singing professionally from the 1950s until 2007, when the group retired from Gospel Music.

I hope you will enjoy this song.  It is special to me because it is written by one of the finest gentlemen in Gospel Music, a man who was a mentor and a friend, Glen Allred.  Click the link below for the song:

The Florida Boys sing 'I Saw the Face of Jesus.'

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How Long Has It Been?

In times such as these it is important to consider things of lasting value and significance.  When it seems the world is falling apart on every hand, in every sector, we as human beings are knocked off of our feet.  We tend to lose our bearings.  It is then that we MUST ask the question, 'How long has it been since I talked to the Lord and told Him my heart's hidden secrets?'

You may be too embarrassed or too proud to tell any other human being about your worries and fears in times such as this, and many of us do not wish to be a burden to our families and friends.

But a person needs to talk to someone.  How long has it been since you talked to God?  Can you call Him your Friend?  How long has it been since you knew that He cared for you?

Prayer: "We come to you, O God, longing for a Friend who really cares, who will listen to us at the deepest part of our being.  We thank you that you are that Friend that 'stays closer than a brother.'  Help us not to forget to make time for You.  Help us to remember to pray and pour out our hearts to you.  We pray for the nation at this hour, and as dark clouds gather on the horizon, remind us of the eternal hope we have in You.  In Jesus' name, Amen."

Song:  A beautiful piece of music entitled, 'How Long Has It Been' by the Mark Trammell Quartet.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Christians United

"Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."--Jesus Christ

The church is not brick and mortar.  The church is not a denomination.  The church is the union of all believers in Jesus Christ.  The Bible describes the church as 'the body of Christ.'  No matter what our origin, our nationality or language, our race or ethnic background, or our denomination to which we belong, we are united together in Christ in one world-wide body that knows no artificial or man-made boundaries.

I am a Baptist in the traditional sense.  But I know that the church of Jesus Christ extends far beyond the Baptist denomination.  I have Christian brothers and sisters in every denomination, every language and nation, every race and ethnicity.  We are united by our faith in the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Anyone, anywhere, who truly believes that Christ came to die for our sins on the Cross, shedding His blood for our salvation, and then rose victorious from the grave is a part of this world-wide body of believers.

And nothing will ever prevail against it, not even the very gates of Hell.

Prayer--"O God, we thank you that we have this privilege of being in this church, this world-wide body of your people, united together by our common faith in your divinity, death, and resurrection.  Remind us that nothing will ever succeed in dividing us.  You have promised that this glorious church will remain, no matter what the opposition.  We praise your holy name.  Amen."

Song--A gem by the group First Call, entitled, 'Undivided.'  Click on the title for the video.

Some Important Updates

Thank you for visiting and reading the material on this site.  I am gratified that many of you find a place of solace and encouragement here.

Here are a few updates of interest.

First, my new CD of Christian Music will be available in May.  I had originally reported it would be ready by the end of April.  But due to circumstances beyond my control, production has been delayed, and the release date has been pushed back to May.  I will alert you here when it becomes available.

The CD will be available by using PayPal online.  It will not be available in stores.  It will be sold here and in my concerts at churches.  The cost will be 10 dollars.  Those who make a $15 dollar donation to this ministry will receive a second CD at half-price.  2 CDs at 15 bucks is a bargain you won't find anywhere else.  That offer will be in effect once I announce that the CD has been released.

Until then, continue to enjoy the daily devotional, prayers, and songs.  As always, what is offered here daily is free.  But please remember that this ministry is made possible only by the free will love gifts of those who believe in what I am doing.  I ask that you consider making a donation to his ministry.  Anything you can do will be greatly appreciated.

The method of payment for your gift is found at the top of the page in the right-hand column.

As always, thank you for stopping by, and God bless you!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Is Risen

Happy Easter!
The Lord is Risen!  He is risen indeed!
Thanks be to God.

"And the angel said unto them, 'Why seek ye the living among the dead?  He is not here but is risen.'" --from the Gospels of the New Testament.

Because He lives, we too shall live.  Because He lives death is not the end.  Because He lives the grave has been conquered.  And we too shall conquer death and the grave.  We can face tomorrow and whatever difficulties may arise 'because He lives.'

Today's song is a special Easter selection entitled, 'When They Found Nothing, They Found Everything' by Legacy Five, one of the most popular Gospel groups traveling today.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

"Low in the grave He lay..."

"Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my Savior..."-- from the hymn 'He Arose.'

"He descended into Hell..."-- from the Apostle's Creed

Many Christians believe that when Jesus died on the Cross that between His death and resurrection on Easter Sunday, He 'descended into Hell' to confront Satan, take the keys away from him, and defeat him once and for all by marching out of Hell through conquering death and the grave.

We do not know for sure about this ancient interpretation of of these things.  But we do know that something very significant occurred through Jesus' death on the Cross.  We know that sins are forgiven.  We know that eternal life is made possible.  We know that death and the grave have been defeated forever.

Interestingly, in anthropology we learn that in every society that has ever been on the face of the earth, one can find stories of a man--a man of great significance to that society--who offered himself as a sacrifice for the sins of  his people.  From the beginning of time, humanity has believed that 'the wages of sin is death,' as the Bible says.  But a sacrificial lamb was offered to make atonement for that sin, allowing people to be forgiven.  But when 'the man' laid down his life once and for all as a living and dying sacrifice, then forever is the gift of God--salvation and eternal life--offered to all.

The Cross is the symbol of that truth.  And Jesus is that Man.

Prayer--"Thank-you, O God, for your gift of eternal life and forgiveness for sin.  Thank-you for offering up your own dear Son as that sacrifice that would purchase forever the salvation of His people.  During this Easter weekend as we await the celebration of the resurrection on Easter Sunday, let us contemplate and meditate upon these things and be brought closer to you.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

Song--The song for today is very special, written by the late great Rusty Goodman of the Happy Goodman Family.  Here Rusty sings one of his best compositions, HAD IT NOT BEEN.  Just click on the title of the song, and it will take you to the video of Rusty and the Goodmans singing this moving song.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday and It's Crucial Significance

Today is Good Friday.  I cannot over-emphasize the crucial significance and importance of this day.  It is perhaps the key to understanding the Christian faith, and its truths are central to Christianity as a whole.

It was on this day that Christ was crucified.  This was the method of execution in the Roman Empire.  Christ had been sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate, the Roman local governor.  Pilate felt pressured by an angry mob standing outside that demanded Christ's death.  Although Pilate had stated, 'I find no fault in Him,' he nonetheless bowed to the pressure of the loud mob and sentenced Christ to be scourged (beaten), and then crucified on a Cross.

Large spike nails were driven into His hands and feet.  The sheer weight of a human body hanging by nothing but nails caused those nails to rip through the flesh each time the victim took a breath.  It was a slow, agonizing death.

I have often described the crucifixion of Christ as the greatest love story ever told.  The Jews believed that man's sins required a sacrifice.  In older Jewish manuscripts, the prophecy foretold of a Man who would become that one sacrifice, once and for all, for all humanity.  Christ offered Himself voluntarily as that sacrifice.  No one 'took' his life from Him.  He laid it down of His own free will, dying for the sins of the world, taking our rightful punishment for our rebelliousness, and purchasing with His own blood an eternal home in Heaven, although none of us are deserving of it.

Whether or not you believe in the ancient Jewish belief in the necessity for a sacrifice is not the point.  The mere fact that Jesus laid down his life--an innocent man dying for the guilty--is the love story of all love stories.  And without the Cross, one cannot begin to grasp the depth and breadth of the love of God for fallen humanity.  The Cross says it all in most poignant terms.

Prayer--"Our Heavenly Father, our hearts grow humble as we ponder the death of our Lord on the Cross.  Such love overwhelms us.  We are truly thankful that in spite of our sin, You gave us your Only Begotten Son to die for us so that we might live.  Thank-you for the Cross.  Thank-you for the broken body and shed blood of our precious Lord.  And thank-you for the salvation we find in knowing Him and in believing that His sacrificial death on the Cross bought us a free and full pardon for ALL of our sins, failures, and shortcomings.  In Your Great Name we pray, Amen."

Song--Our song for today is a classic dating back to the late 60s.  Jim Hill, who wrote this song, is singing the lead in the video, and at the time he was singing tenor for the famed J.D. Sumner and the Stamps Quartet--one of the greatest gospel quartets in history.  J.D. at one time was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the lowest bass singer in the world.  This song is a special blessing for Good Friday, and it is entitled, For God So Loved.  Whatever you do, don't miss it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Holy Week--the Significance of 'Maundy Thursday'

Holy Week began this past Sunday with 'Palm Sunday,' which commemorates the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem during which throngs of people came to greet Him, placing palm branches in the path before Him in a display of honor..

During the remainder of the week, Christ laid it on the line for his opposition, referring to corrupt Sanhedrin, Pharisees, and scribes as 'snakes' and 'hypocrites.'  Needless to say this only poured fuel on the fire as these groups moved against Him, appealing to the Roman government to do something about this man who spoke the plain truth.

Before the end of the week, the Roman government would move against Christ, hauling him before the local regional ruler of the Roman government, Pontius Pilate.  There He would stand trail.

It was on Thursday of that week that Jesus met with His disciples one final time before His trial, conviction, and crucifixion.  He told them what was coming, although they did not fully understand.  And He gave them a tangible manner of remembering Him--the wine and the bread, symbolizing His blood and body.  Each time Christians gather to partake of the cup and the bread they commemorate Christ's death.

This is what 'Maundy Thursday' or 'Holy Thursday' means.  After the Lord's Supper, Christ would be arrested by Roman authorities, placed on trial, and on Friday, crucified.  This is, without doubt, the most significant week in Christianity.

Prayer: "Heavenly Father, humble us as we enter into this most sacred period of our faith.  Cleanse our hearts and make us ready to receive the truths Jesus symbolized at the Last Supper, when He offered to His disciples the cup and the bread.  We thank you for your eternal, undying love that You exhibited for us by dying on the Cross, laying down your life as a sacrifice for sinners. May we be but merely a small example of that love you expressed to us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Song--'Let Us Break Bread Together' by J.D. Sumner and the Stamps Quartet.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Prayer Changes Me

"The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." -- the Holy Bible

What good is prayer if things don't change?  This has been a great mystery through the centuries.  Jesus taught us to pray, and we are told that sincere prayer accomplishes much. But what about those times when our prayers don't seem to change much of anything?

Some describe such a thing as 'unanswered prayer.'  But 'no' IS an answer!  Sometimes we must accept that God says no.  But that does not mean our prayers accomplish nothing.  Prayer, in its truest sense, changes ME.  When I pray, my attitudes, my frame of mind, my way of thinking and behaving are changed, even if the situation we prayed about does not change at all.

And the changes that occur in the human heart as a result of prayer are perhaps the most poignant answers of all.

Prayer--"O God, teach us to pray with sincerity and humility.  Point out to us areas where we can grow as human beings and as your servants.  We thank you for the answers to prayer we have received many times throughout life.  But we also thank you for the ways you have changed US although the circumstances around us may not change.  Give us the grace to accept what you grant us, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

Song--"Prayer Changes Me." 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Call on His Name

"For he who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved..." -- the Apostle Paul

This scripture verse is, of course, speaking about personal salvation from sin and spiritual darkness.  Anyone, anywhere who calls on the name of Jesus shall be saved.  This is a great fact of the Christian faith.

But the meaning of the verse can be expanded.  Beyond one's personal salvation, calling on the name of the Lord is a great comfort to Christians.  Who do you run to when everything seems to be falling apart and friends are few?  Christians know they can call on the name of the Lord, and He comes to our side to walk beside us, to give us strength, to renew our hopes, and to restore our wounded faith.

Prayer: "O Lord, thank you for allowing us the comfort of calling on your holy name whenever we need to.  Thank you for walking with us through the dark days of life.  And thank you for helping us find solutions to problems as you work in and through us, and through others.  That's why we love to call on your precious Name.  In Jesus' name, Amen."

Song--These guys are a ball of fire and energy--the Dove Brothers Quartet, one of the best young Gospel quartets traveling full-time today.  This video focuses on several of their songs, but especially pay attention to the first one in the segment--'That's Why I Love to Call His Name.'  This song gets up and takes off, but if you listen to the words, you will receive a blessing.  Enjoy the Dove Brothers... 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Evening Meditation and Prayer for Monday, April 18, 2011

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." -- from the Holy Bible

Sometimes we find ourselves faced with situations where we lack direction.  What should I do in this situation?  Which decision would be best for all concerned?  In which direction should I go in order to be true to myself and to the person God made and called me to be?

At times those answers do not come easily.  Life gets very complicated, and often we are faced with not just 2 but many possible options.  How do we know which one is the correct one?

The scripture verse quoted above says simply to trust in the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul, and acknowledge Him in all you do, and He will give you direction and guidance.

What about those times in which it seems no direction is given?  That's a hard one, but the best answer I've ever heard to that question is that during those times God is silent concerning direction, we simply wait--and continue doing the last thing He led us to do.

Waiting is hard.  I will be the first admit I am lacking in patience.  But sometimes that is simply the way life is, hard though it may be.  And during those times, while we wait for God's guidance, we keep on doing that which we know is good, right, and honorable.  In other words, stay put until God gives direction.  Keep doing the thing He has led you to do in the present until you get the word to change course.

Prayer--"O God, forgive our impatience and lack of faith.  Help us remember the many times in the past when your guidance was very clear, and you led us down paths that resulted in great blessing for us and for others.  As we wait for further guidance from you, give us the grace to be patient and the strength to 'keep on keeping on' in the current task to which you have called us.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

Song--"He Leadeth Me"

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sample--Anthony G. Martin sings "Mama's Teaching Angels How to Sing"

Today's inspirational thought is by way of song.  I mentioned that yesterday was my Mother's birthday, and though we lost her in 1993, I know where she is, and I know I will meet her again in that place where God's children will one day gather with our Lord face to face, along with our precious loved ones.

The recording you will hear and see below is not a professional recording but a sample of a song I did at church.  The video part does not show me, due to the limitations of the equipment used and the need to make the sound as pleasing as we could.

Later on I will be coming out with a professional CD, which will be for sale.  This sample is free as my gift to you.

And remember, this ministry is entirely dependent on the free will gifts of supporters.  Thank-you, and God bless.  I truly hope you enjoy the song.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Evening Prayer for 4/16/2011

"Dear Lord, we come to the end of another day.  Grant to us the courage to face our failures, omissions, and shortcomings, while praising your most holy name for the victories we have accomplished.  Our prayer is that those around us will know they are loved and valued, and that our words, actions, and attitudes will portray your great love.  May we use the gifts you give us to advance your kingdom's work, to pursue the cause of freedom, liberty, and justice.  Give us rest this night from our labors and renew us for tomorrow's tasks, through Christ our Lord we pray, Amen."


"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies..." -- from Proverbs 31

Today is my Mother's birthday.  We lost her to leukemia in 1993.  I do not wish to become overly sentimental at this point, so I will suffice it to say that I miss her to this very day, and she came as close as anyone I have ever known in portraying the values of 'the virtuous woman' as described in Proverbs.

She was a compassionate woman, full of faith and total devotion to the Lord.  Yet she was strong and steadfast, immovable in her beliefs and her stand for what she felt was right.  She reached out to the poor and hungry of her own free will, regularly taking food, clothing, and other items personally to those she knew were in need.  She was a hard and tireless worker, not only at her job but in the home.  I have vivid memories of her activity, and it was always late at night before she sat down.

Those who knew her were well-aware of her faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.  In fact, it was impossible to know my Mother without knowing this central, key aspect of her identity.  She encouraged those who were unbelievers to come to the Lord.

I have been but a mere diminutive shadow of what my Mother was.  She taught me well.  But I have not always been a very good keeper of her legacy.  But I can assure you her legacy lives on in my heart, and I still strive to be the human being who lives by the values she instilled in me.

But I am not the only one.  It still surprises me to hear various people tell me to this day of the deep impact my Mother had on their lives--people I would have never believed would be thusly influenced.  If only she could see the many 'Faces' of people she helped, touched, encouraged, and led to Christ.  We never know how much influence one life can have on so many.

My Mother's face is forever etched in my memory.  And she is one of the 'Faces' I wish to see first when my time comes to cross to the other side where pain is gone and where eternal joy wipes away all tears.

Who are the 'Faces' that have made such a lasting impression on your life?  And image the many faces of those who are now being influence by you, for good or ill.  People ARE watching.  What kind of legacy do you wish to leave behind?

Our song today is by Greater Vision, and the song is entitled, simply, 'Faces.'  I hope you are blessed by it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Evening Prayer for 4/15/2011

"O God, maker of heaven and earth, remind us that although in your almighty power you brought together the forces of the universe to form what we call 'creation,' you are yet small enough to live in the human heart.  Give us rest this evening from our labors.  May the knowledge that you live within us warm and comfort our hearts.  And renew us sufficiently for tomorrow's tasks as we engage in the daily battle for truth.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray, Amen."

"Unfailing Love"

"And herein is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us, and gave us His Son...." - I John 4:10

While we were oblivious to God's love, unaware of spiritual things, unconcerned about God or the Bible, God loved us.  While we were even incapable of loving God, blinded by our rebellion and sin, God still loved us.

And His love is never withdrawn.  It is constant, everlasting, unfailing.

Even when the world turns against you because of your beliefs, your way of life, your stand for what's good and right, and even if you are hated by others because of your stand, the one constant is God's unfailing love.

Isn't it wonderful  to know that this love is unconditional, ever-present, and unfailing?  This is one of the most glorious things about being a Christian--the inner knowledge that come what may, God still loves us.  "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so."


Our song today is by Evie in a wonderfully beautiful piece entitled, 'Unfailing Love.'  Whatever you do, don't miss this song.  God bless!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Prayer for the Cleanup of Government

"O God, our government has become corrupt and out of control.  The lawlessness and immorality of many in all three branches of government have not only scared us but grieved our hearts.  It seems all ethics have been thrown out the window.  People in high places plot to do great evil in the name of oppressive ideology.  Your people are in danger.  We ask, O great Father, that you will clean up and clean out our government.  Change the hearts of those who are wicked and dangerous.  And remove from power those who do wrong, using their office for ill motives.  Restore us again to our spiritual roots, and may we turn back to you before it is too late, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

"Gentle Shepherd"

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want..." - Psalm 23:1

What a comfort to know that we human beings who are prone to lose our way, become lonely and full of despair, and ready to give up, have a 'gentle shepherd' who not only seeks us when we are lost, but comforts us on life's journey.

Jesus said, 'My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."  And, 'the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."

Yes, the love of that gentle shepherd was so strong that He laid down his life on their behalf.

Go to the Shepherd to find your way.

Today's song is by Ernie Haas and Signature Sound as they sing 'Gentle Shepherd.'  Let it bless you.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Go Ask the Man

If you want to know the truth concerning the Gospel, go ask those who have been touched and changed by it.  They'll tell you.  Our devotional for today is in song.  And it is entitled, 'Go Ask' by the Gaither Vocal Band.  You will find the link after this evening's prayer.

"O Lord, thank you for this day and its blessings.  Watch over us throughout the night and grant safety to our loved ones.  We pray for those with special needs, asking that your presence will sustain them.  Thank you for loving us, for touching us, for changing us, and for allowing us to tell that old, old story' of Jesus and His love.  In Your Name we pray, Amen."

Click here for video of 'Go Ask' by the Gaither Vocal Band.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Evening Prayer for 4/12/2011

"O God, we pray tonight for America.  Our beloved country is in deep trouble.  We confess that many of us have played a role in her troubles at this hour--voting for persons through the years who not only have turned away from You but who have whittled away at our Constitution, our way of life, our freedoms, and our values.  Forgive us.  And speak to the hearts of those who remain blind to the horrors around us to this very day, oblivious to the forces of darkness that lead evil men to use government for their own selfish and oppressive purposes.  We ask that You will wake us up before it is too late.  Change the hearts of our nation's leaders or remove them from office.  And may we who claim your holy Name be steadfast in our fight for truth, for justice, for freedom.  May we use every ounce of strength we have for this cause and for the cause of the Christ who came to set people free.  In Your Great Name we pray, Amen."

"I Have Not Forgotten"

"Do this in remembrance of Me." --Jesus Christ

When Christ instituted the Lord's Supper, or as it is called in other traditions, Communion, the Eucharist, or the Mass, he stated the words provided above.  The event helps us remember His ultimate sacrifice on the cross--voluntarily laying down his life for sinners.

But in reality, those who have been touched by the living Lord need no help in remembering.  We remember how moved we were when He first drew us close to Him by His love and grace.  We remember the warmth we felt when He touched us.  We remember the joy of having our sins forgiven and our past washed away forever.  We will never forget. "Lord, I have not forgotten.  Jesus, only begotten."

The quotation is from a very moving song by the Inspirations entitled, 'I Have Not Forgotten.'  I first heard the group sing this song at a large southern auditorium in 2008.  I have never in my life seen an audience so moved by a song.  Some were shouting.  Some were raising their hands in praise.  Some wept.  Others sat silently, spellbound.  Here is the song as they sang it in a church in 2009.  I hope you are as moved by the song as I am.  Click here:  The Inspirations sing "I have Not Forgotten."

Monday, April 11, 2011

Evening Prayer 4/11/2011

"O Lord our strength and our Redeemer, many special prayer requests have come to our attention over the last several days.  There are those who are distressed over the health status of their loved ones.  There are those who need physical, mental, and emotional healing.  Those are those who face financial mountains that seem insurmountable.  Grant that your grace will be a sufficient balm for the weary.  And hold our hand through all of the storms of life.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

"Stand By Me"

"For I will never leave you nor forsake you..." -- Jesus Christ

Being alone is not necessarily a bad thing when one is in need of solitude.  But being lonely is a terribly painful feeling.  And being all alone when one wishes the company of a loving, understanding companion is one of the worst things a human being can face.

Christians never have to worry about being alone.  Our Savior told us he would never leave us nor forsake us.

Sometimes our heart cries out for somebody, somewhere, who will 'stand by me.'  God has heard those cries, and provides us with One will will stand with us till the very end, and beyond.

Our song for the day is a real gem.  When I first started singing as a teenager, the man featured in this song was a role model.  I was a baritone, and this man is the quintessential baritone in quartet singing--the great Glen Allred of the Florida Boys, who is now retired.  Just before the group retired in 2007 after 60 years of full-time singing, they recorded this video a-capella--a feat very few groups can do with perfection.  And this is about as perfect as it gets--the close harmony is impressive.  And Glen, of course, is outstanding.  I hope you enjoy the Florida Boys' rendition of the old standard, Stand By Me.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Death is Not the End--A Message in Word and Song

"He who believes in me shall never die."--Jesus Christ

One of the greatest truths throughout the ages is that death is not the end but a new beginning.  As a child is born into the world, it comes fearful of leaving its mother's womb and venturing into the unknown.  But that unknown is a simply a new phase of life and growth, in a different environment.

So is death.  I used to be afraid of death.  It was not so much what came afterward, but the process of dying.  Does it hurt?  Is a person afraid as it happens?  Does the room grow dark?

And then, suddenly, one day I wasn't afraid anymore.  It simply went away.  One reason could be more maturity.  Another is my deeper understanding of what death means.  Like birth, it is a mere passageway to a different phase of life, in another environment.

In addition, when one is deeply aware and convinced of the fact that the God of all the ages, through Jesus Christ, is with us through it all, holding our hand, showing us the way forward, then there is no need to fear.

Jesus endured a painful death on the cross for sinners, dying that we might live.  But he also told his disciples that on the third day he would arise from the shackles of death and that the grave would never be victorious over Him.  Because He lives, we too shall live.  Death has no final claim on us.  The cross and the resurrection is the proof of that perennial hope.

Death is not the end, my friend!

Prayer:  We thank You, O God, for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, who died for us, and rose that we might live.  We ask that we will live in light of the ultimate hope that when death comes our way, we have a Savior who will lead us gently over the threshold into that great tomorrow, where the morning and the evening  are always illuminated by the Christ who is the eternal light.  In your great name we pray, Amen.

The song for the day is a sermon unto itself.  It is written by Bill and Gloria Gaither and is one of the best songs they ever composed.  It is performed by the great Glen Payne and the Cathedral Quartet.  Be sure to watch and listen.  This is powerful and it will bless you heart.  Click here for song, "Then Came the Morning."

Special Prayer Requests

Two special prayer requests have come our way today.

First, my friend and colleague at The Examiner, David Codrea, was called to Florida to be with his beloved father who is 90 years old.  He fell last week and has only gotten worse since the fall.  Word is that things are as bad as they can get at this point, so, David and his family need our prayers.

Second, I was alerted to several tornado outbreaks across the country last night and early this morning that resulted in injury and death.  Our hearts go out to the victims, and we pray God's strength and comfort for them.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Evening Prayer for Saturday, April 9, 2011

"Dear Heavenly Father, we humbly come before you to confess our faults and failures, knowing that you are a loving God, full of grace and mercy, and ready to forgive your wayward children.  We pray tonight for the sick, for the lonely, for those who are grieving and struggling with loss. We ask that you be their rock, their strength, their help.  And remind us all that you are the ultimate hope for the hopeless.  In your great name we pray, Amen."

Today's Devotional Thought and Message in Song, 4/9/2011

"Leaving that which is behind and looking toward that which is ahead, I press toward the mark of the high calling of God through Christ Jesus our Lord..." --The Apostle Paul, paraphrased.

The Apostle Paul never had it easy in his work as the first Christian missionary. He was persecuted, imprisoned, beaten, stoned, snake-bit, ship-wrecked, and suffered from a lifelong unnamed malady that he called 'the thorn in the flesh.'

Yet he never gave up.

Sir Winston Churchill, the great British Prime Minister who lead Britain through WWII, gave a speech near the end of his life that was only 8 words long.  Feeble and reaching the podium only with the help of aides, he looked at his audience a long time before speaking.  And then in his indomitable British accent simply stated the following, with force: 'Never give up!  Never, never, EVER give up!!'

Words to the wise.

Today's song is by the Gold City Quartet--one of the best ever, who sing 'I'm Not Giving Up.'  This is my favorite Gold City song.  Get ready to be blessed.  And note the low-down bass work of famed Gold City bass vocalist Tim Riley.  Yeah, I get excited by the mega-low octaves of Gospel quartet basses.  Riley is one of the best, and lowest.  Enjoy...

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Word, a Song, and a Prayer

It's been a busy day today, my friends, and thus, I am combining several separate components into one.  We will consider a verse of scripture from the Word, we will enjoy a song to uplift us, and finish with an evening prayer.

Don't forget that my CD will be ready before the end of the month.  It will be entitled, 'By Request,' and will contain some of the most requested gospel songs that people ask me to sing.

Bible verse: And the peace of God that passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.' Philippians 4:7

Peace of mind is hard to come by.  Our concerns over finances, obligations, creditors, health, employment, and any number of other things can quickly become overwhelming.  Many are kept awake at night, unable to turn off the churning of the mind, going over and over a problem, attempting to find a solution to a money situation, or a personality conflict with someone at work.

Christ Jesus is the source of peace of mind.  Our verse of the day tells us that the peace of God that passes all understanding can keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. But how?  It takes more than just knowing He is the source of peace.

A verse from the Old Testament says, 'But Thou shalt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee.'  The key is to quiet one's mind by focusing on Christ alone.  When our minds are focused, totally, on Him, there is no room for worry.

Prayer: O God, grant that we may find an extra portion of your peace.  Relieve us of our worries so that our minds can find a great calm.  Remind us that no problem is so great that you can't handle it.  You are greater than any obstacle that besets us.  Allow us the grace to focus on You so that our cares and worries fade in your everlasting love and care.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Song--'Till the Storm Passes By' by the great Gerald Wolfe and Greater Vision.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Evening Prayer for Thursday, April 7, 2001

"O God, our strength and our Redeemer, give us rest from our toils this evening.  May our bodies find respite from the work of the day, and may our minds find your peace.  Grant to us a restful, refreshing sleep this evening, so that we may be renewed for the tasks that face us tomorrow.  Watch over those we love during the night, and grant to them your safety.  And we will be careful to give you all our thanks, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

'The Word' for Today, April 7, 2011

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."--Philippians 4:13

This has been one of the most important verses of scripture to me over the last several years in particular.  I was diagnosed with an inflammatory disorder in 2009 that effects not only the joints, but the eyes and skin.  Thankfully the disorder is under control with medications and the occasional steroid injections I receive directly into the eyes.

But I will admit the entire thing has been a daily struggle.  Pain is a part of life.  So is fatigue.  This is why I work at various tasks that involve a flexible schedule.  Adequate rest is a must.

These things have forced me to rely once again on the truth contained in the scripture verse for the day.  As I stated in yesterday's devotional, this is what got me through college.  And now it is getting me through life.

I have no doubt in the truth of this verse.  In Christ I can do all things.  So can you.  Through our faith in the awesome power of Jesus Christ, nothing can hold us back.  The victory is ours.  Take that thought with you this day, my friend!

Our song for the day is by The Isaacs, entitled, 'He Understands My Tears."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

An Evening Prayer for Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Dear Lord, we come before you tonight to thank you for today and its blessings.  We are thankful you have been our strength, a very present help in trouble.  May we remember that in the darkest night, the most troublesome of circumstances, and the most frightening obstacles we must face, you have not abandoned us and never will..Remind us of your words, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'  And for this we give you our deepest gratitude, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

'The Word' for the Day, Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible"--Jesus Christ

I had always believed growing up as I did that God can do anything, that miracles occur regularly, and that such things are not really out of the ordinary at all, given that events constantly occur all over the world that are antithetical to the best wisdom and knowledge that man possesses.

But it was not until I began reading Norman Vincent Peale in college that I was struck with the stark realization that the impossible is made possible on a personal basis.  I needed that message at the time.

I worked my way through college, and it wasn't easy.  Studying came hard for me, and thus, I had to dig deep for every single good grade I received.  Many nights I would be up all night long working on a paper, or reading, or doing research, only to get dressed and go to class with no sleep.  On many occasions I did not think I had it in me to complete the task.  I was sure I was doomed to failure.

But then I picked up Dr. Peale's "The Power of Positive Thinking" (which he had intended to be entitled 'The Power of Faith" but got overruled by his publisher).  The book helped me to grasp the notion that in the power of Jesus Christ a human being can do what he/she thinks is impossible.

I often said that Peale got me through college.

The concept is true.  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  This Biblical statement encapsulates the faith that can be ours, if we believe.

Today's song is Who Can Do Anything by George Younce and the Cathedral Quartet.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Evening Prayer for Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"O God of grace and love, we pray tonight for those who are against us and who persecute us for your sake. We know that they do this out of ignorance, out of their lack of knowledge and experience of your illuminating Light.  Help them find their way into that light, and may our words and deeds be a guide to those who truly seek You.  And forgive us for those times when we have not portrayed your love to those who walk in darkness.  In Your Great Name we pray, Amen."

'The Word' for Today, April 5, 2011

"For he was of the house and lineage of David..."

The Gospel of Luke in describing the ancestry of Jesus, states that his father Joseph was of the house and lineage of David, meaning that the David of the book of Psalms, King of Israel, was a direct ancestor to Jesus Christ.

Thus, Jesus was a Jew, a descendant of the ancient Hebrews, a product of Judaism.  As a young man the Bible describes him going to the Temple to sit at the feet of the rabbis, and they were astonished at his knowledge.

When I was working on my Master's degree at a noted theological school, one of my professors--a renown, published theologian, stated, 'Christians are Jews first.'  Immediately I knew what he meant.  Spiritually speaking, Christians are descendants of Judaism.  Christianity was born and bred in the religion of the Jews.

For this reason and more, I believe that Jews are to be revered as our spiritual cousins, not to mention the fact that the Bible declares them to be 'God's chosen people.'  That declaration was never rescinded.  They are still God's chosen people.  Those who disparage and attack them are in great spiritual danger.  Israel is the land God gave to them, and so it shall forever remain as long as the earth stands.

Our Gospel song for today is a very special number by the renown Florida Boys (now retired), who traveled to Israel in 1974 for a series of Gospel concerts promoted by the Israeli government.  The quartet learned a special song just for their Jewish audiences entitled, 'Jerusalem of Gold.'  Part of it is sung in the original language.

View the video and listen to the song by clicking on the link here: Jerusalem of Gold by the Florida Boys.  

Monday, April 4, 2011

An Evening Prayer for Monday, April 4, 2011

"Our Father, we thank you for bringing us safely through another day.  As this day draws to a close, we ask that your peace will descend upon our hearts, giving us respite from all worry and care.  We entrust into your loving care those who are hurting due to various causes--sickness, loss, pain, despair.  Whatever the need, be their solace, comfort, and strength.  And may we rest tonight knowing that in your loving care, all will be well, in this life or in the next.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray, Amen."

'The Word' for Today, April 4. 2011

"And when he saw his son returning from afar, he ran to him, fell on his neck, and kissed him."

This statement in the Bible is most poignant and is taken from the story of 'the Prodigal Son.'  A young man left his father, saying, 'Give me my inheritance now, and let me go and see the world' (paraphrased).  Grieved, the father did exactly that.

The young man squandered all of the money in a short period of time and wound up destitute, poor, and essentially a slave.  He got a job feeding hogs, but conditions were so horrid that he found himself sleeping and eating with them as well.

Finally, he said, 'Enough!  I will arise and go back to my father's house and beg his forgiveness.'

Not knowing how his father would react, the young man walked home, intending to beg the father just to be a servant at his house, rather than a son.  But before he could get there, his father saw him at a distance and ran to him.  He ordered a robe of honor to be placed around his shoulders and threw a banquet for him that evening.

The parable is a portrayal of God's love and mercy toward his wayward children.  When we wake up to the mess we've made of our lives, he receives us back into his house with open arms, full forgiveness, and restoration.  Praise the Lord!

The following song captures this parable in music.  It is powerful.  And it is sung by the late, great Glen Payne of the famed Cathedral Quartet.  Listen to it all, and be blessed!  The Prodigal Son by the Cathedrals.

I love watching Glen sing this song--he would get so moved by such songs he couldn't help himself.  What a great gentleman and a great Christian!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Message for Sunday, April 3, 2011

"If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.  Old things are passed away, and behold, all things are become new."

I am the first to admit that I am a flawed human being.  Looking back over my life I can say I have made many mistakes, bad decisions, and yes, even committed many sins.  Even my motives have not always been pure.  And just when I think that my motives are entirely selfless, in those rare moments of painfully honest insight I am forced to face the fact that even the best of  motives contain a mixture of selfishness, whether it be some hidden personal gain or some other factor that may be hidden from view.

In the Bible, in the book of Romans, the writer says, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  And again, "For all our righteousness is as filthy rags before God."

This tells us that even on our very best days, even when we think we are the very best we can possibly be, God knows the real truth.  We are sinners.  Our thoughts, motives, words, and deeds are heavily influenced by our imperfections, our sinful nature.

But all is not lost.  We have a Savior who can do for us what we cannot do on our own.  In Christ we have new life, a new way of living and being in the world.  And when God looks upon us, He sees not the unrighteous sinful nature but the light of His Own Son, who dwells within us.

And that is how we walk in the newness of life when all else seems lost and hopeless.

3 great truths are inherent in this subject.

1. No one is beyond hope.  The point of the Biblical writers in telling us how sinful we are--all of us without exception--is to show that no one is beyond hope.  We are all equal before God.  God's love is a free gift that is offered to all.  If this is true for one, then it is true for ALL.

Thus, no matter how often you have turned Him away, no matter how much you have sinned, no matter how far you have fallen into the pit of despair, thinking you are totally worthless and hopeless, there is a Savior...just for you.  The Bible says, "For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."

Christ came specifically for the helpless and hopeless.  This means you.

2. The past is forgiven and thus remains firmly in the past.  Who you are today is certainly influenced by your past, your family heritage, your upbringing, your failures and past mistakes.  This is for sure.  But these things do not define who we are.  In Christ we are made brand new.  We belong to Him.  All is forgiven.  The Bible says, "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us."

An old hymn of the church says, "He'll forgive your transgressions and remember them no more."  In Christ all memory of our past life and its sins is erased from the Divine memory.  It is no longer held against us.  Amen!

3. Being 'made new' is not a one-time event but an ongoing process.  We are in the process of being made new each day.  We grow and develop, just as a child.

A gospel song says, 'And I know I'm not the man that I ought to be.  Many times I fall short of what He saw in Me.  And I know I'm not the man that I want to be, but thank God I'm not the man I used to be."

We remain imperfect in this body of flesh.  But God isn't through with us yet!  There are more mountains to climb, more rivers to cross, more changes to be made.  But with His strength and help we can do these things, not in our own strength but in the strength of the One who is all-powerful.

Thus, never let your past hold you back.  Never let misguided persons get you down by holding your past against you.  You are a new creation.  The old is gone.  The new is here!  You can walk in the newness of life through your faith in Jesus Christ and His shed blood on the Cross for you.

Prayer: O Lord, thank you for your wonderful forgiveness and for being the God of second chances, many chances in fact.  And if someone reads these words who needs you in their life, let them pray now to ask you to come into their heart, forgive their sin, and trust in You and your sacrificial work of love on our behalf on Calvary's cross...dying that we might live.  In faith we ask these things believing that in your holy Name the deed is done.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Song--To bless you today, here is a special song on YouTube that I hope will encourage your heart.  The Cathedral Quartet sings 'We Shall See Jesus,' featuring the great Glen Payne.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Evening Prayer for Saturday, April 2, 2011

"O God, we come before you this evening to pray for those who have special needs.  We pray for the man in Texas who is embarking on a new venture and needs your wisdom and guidance.  We pray for the lady in New York who is suffering from a terrible illness.  And then there are the 2 men in South Carolina who have financial and health needs.  There are many more, dear Lord, who stand in the need of prayer, suffering in silence.  We humbly ask that you provide the comfort of your presence and the strength of your loving arms.  May abundant blessings flow to us, your children, as we acknowledge that every good gift comes from you.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

The Word for Today, April 2, 2011

"And behold there came wise men from the east, saying, 'Where is He that is born the King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east and have come to worship Him."

These words are commonly associated with the Christmas season regarding the pilgrimage of the three wise men who came seeking the Christ-child.  Yet there is a lesson for us here that transcends Christmas.  Wise men seek the Savior. The beginning of wisdom is the knowledge that one must face a simple truth--when left to our own flawed devices we become lost.  We make the wrong choices.  We embark upon a path that leads to a dead-end of emptiness, hopelessness, and despair.  The recognition of this fact leads us to seek the source of true wisdom, the Lord Jesus Christ, full of grace and truth.  Those who seek Him and find Him are wise.

Prayer: O Lord, this day help me to know that on my own I am doomed to failure, but when I humble myself and seek your face, and come into the light of your unconditional love through Christ, I find the wisdom not only to make good decisions but to find my way into your everlasting life.  In Your Great Name we pray, Amen.

A song to bless you--classic Gospel Quartet music from the great Florida Boys: "I Am His and He is Mine."

Friday, April 1, 2011

An Evening Prayer

O Lord, as we come to the end of this day, forgive us wherein we have failed you and set our hearts at ease through the knowledge of your undying love and forgiveness.  We are thankful that you have seen us safely through another day, and we ask that you watch over us and protect us by your power and might throughout the night.  Guard our country from its enemies at home and abroad, and may there be a mighty spiritual awakening in our land, leading us back to you and to the freedoms we can experience through the Christ who makes us free, indeed.  In your Great Name we pray, Amen.


This is my new site for ministry, and it is a work in progress.  Much more will be added as time progresses.

Among my many ventures I have also been involved in Christian ministry since 1973.  I am an ordained Baptist minister, received both my B.A. and M.Div. degrees from accredited schools, and have considerable experience in preaching, teaching, singing, seminars, conferences, and such.

When I first started in ministry not only was I a Music Minister and Associate Pastor but I had a gospel quartet that recorded and traveled as well.  So, music is a passion of mine. So is sharing the good news through the spoken word.  I have served as a Pastor, chaplain, evangelist, revival preacher for various churches. But I have also been involved in conservative politics for all of my adult life, beginning in college, when I joined William F. Buckley's Young Americans for Freedom. I write a daily political column at

Here you will find spiritual support no matter what the need...encouragement, hope, comfort, inspiration, instruction, music, preaching, teaching, and books and pamphlets to help you.

I am presently recording a new CD of favorite inspirational songs that I hope will bless you. This will be made available as soon as the recording is ready.

Bookmark this page and return frequently.  There is much more to come!  God bless!

'The Word' for Today, April 1, 2011

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord my strength and my Redeemer."

Today I will focus my attention on that which is good, right, and uplifting, seeking to allow my thoughts to reflect the Divine spark within me.  I will seek to make my words a reflection of Christ's love and will.

Prayer: Thank You, O Lord, for your wisdom and guidance in cleansing my mind of all impurities, allowing Your power and love to flow through me.  And when I speak may those around me know they are loved and may they see Jesus in me.  In Your great name we pray, Amen.

Song of the Day--for your encouragement.  The great Cathedral Quartet. Click here--'Somebody Touched Me."

Your Prayer Requests

In troublesome times such as these, prayer is more important than ever.  This ministry site is dedicated to praying for those who request it.  Whether your need is financial, physical, emotional, spiritual, or relational, prayer is a great solace, particularly when you know other Christians are calling your name in prayer.

Each day we will pray for your needs.  You do not have to use your real name for requests.  Use the comment section here on this post for your prayer requests.  At the end of each day the requests will be posted publicly.  A prayer will be offered for all of those who request it.