Monday, August 8, 2011


Hebrews 13:8
"Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today, and forever."

It has been said that the one thing that never changes is change. Things are always changing, and in reality, very little can be done to stop it.

Sometimes change can happen so rapidly that a society can go into what one writer referred as 'culture shock.' People are so taken aback by rapid change that they actually go into a state of emotional shock.

In some ways we are in that very state today. Things are changing rapidly in the culture, in politics, in government, in the world markets, in the economy. It seems as if society has lost its footing as we stand on constantly shifting sands. There is no anchor of stability and security, or it would seem.

Except for one thing.

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."

God never changes. His love is constant. His presence is true. His tender care of His children never wavers or fades. If there is any 'hope' in the midst of this 'change,' it is in Christ alone.

Song: 'Yesterday' by the Cathedral Quartet.

1 comment:

  1. Our call is to manifest the Kingdom. We're to be the true "Change Agents" of this globe as those who bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. How do we do that?? Just bring the Holy Spirit through clear revelation of Jesus in an outpouring. How to bring the Kingdom was exemplified on the Day of Pentecost not so much to me by the saints speaking in tongues -- but rather by the Spirit falling in the first place. We need a redux in greater power... then we will be sanctified in TRUTH. We need TRUTH -- and we need hearts open to the Spirit falling from above by power of the TRUTH of Jesus revealed to our hearts.

    This is how the Kingdom comes. We don't need the "cooperation" of this world. We don't need to listen to these politicians. They are EXTRANEOUS INFORMATION.

    All we need is Jesus. All we need is hearts open to Him.

    Our call is to bring the Kingdom. As the Kingdom comes and we walk in KINGDOM POWER AND AUTHORITY solely by the Spirit, nothing can stay the same.

    The Kingdom comes. That's our goal.

    Politicians are a distration. They have NO POWER to dictate to the church this nation. They are NOT THE MEANS OF BRINGING THE KINGDOM. They are anti-KINGDOM as they move to create human government.

    Our revelation will be by spiritual means.

    Our only true hope is Jesus and true revival that brings the Kingdom n the hearts of the saints.

    "If my people..."

    It does not MATTER what these politicians say. That Jesus doesn't change doesn't change things here until we bring the Kingdom in living power dynamic of relationship between God and us as saints. Not religion. Not the level we are at. The Kingdom coming in power beyond that which we have seen. We need JESUS right here right now to bring God's unchanging will into manifestation now.
