Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmastime is here...

Well, my brothers and sisters, Christmastime is upon us once again.

Some people dread Christmas. Perhaps it is because the expectations are high. We are "supposed" to be happy. We are supposed to act merrily. We are pressured to spend money we don't have to give people things they may not want or need.

And then others love Christmas for its fanfare. They like the hustle and bustle. They love to bask in the lights and decorations. Nothing wrong with that. But it may not suit everyone's personality.

I have to admit I took myself out of all of this years ago. I got tired of it. I dreaded the superficiality of it all, the blatant commercialism, the pressure to "put on a happy face."

Don't get me wrong. I like a certain amount of decorations if they are for the purpose of getting at the real meaning of Christmas. My church is one of the most beautiful places at this time of year. Nothing too fancy, but absolutely beautiful. The adornments seem to encourage one to look beyond this world to the spiritual realm, the realm not seen with human eye, to see the hand of God, the love of God, and He reaches down to fallen humanity, and gives us the perfect gift of His only Son.

Take some time this Christmas to focus on Christ. Contemplate Him. Meditate upon Him. And be blessed. That way, none of this world's mixed up values will drag you down during this season of the year.

Merry Christmas one and all...


  1. Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!
    Bring you Good wishes of happiness.

    Sorry for greeting you earlier,, just don't want miss saying this.
    By the way, I'm prima. It's my first time visiting your blog. I am blogger

    too, and now try my best luck to open an e-store. Nice to know you.


  2. Merry Christmas to you as well. Thanks for dropping by.
